Fui convidada para coordenadora no Brasil/português. Conto com a participação de todos.
Vamos refletir juntos sobre a cultura de acessibilidade e compartilhar experiências sobre como construir um mundo sem barreiras arquitetônicas, tecnológicas, culturais ou sociais que possam excluir muitas pessoas de participar plenamente da sociedadade.
O webinar será realizado em cinco edições lingüísticas para facilitar a troca de ideias.
Este webinar é parte do projeto Ambiente Acessível, Sociedade Inclusiva, promovido pela Cultura do Diálogo de Saúde dentro da Campanha Dare to Care de Pathway deste ano.
............................................................................................................................#WeThe15 #Paralympics #ChangeStartsWithSport
121.548 visualizações • Estreou em 18 de ago. de 2021 • People with disabilities make up 15% of the world’s population.
Let’s break down the barriers that keep us apart.
View the audio described version here: https://youtu.be/X6DmzwBTRwo
WeThe15: A global human rights movement for the 1.2 billion persons with disabilities
• Multiple international organisations unite for decade-long campaign to transform the lives of 1.2 billion people
• Campaign led by International Paralympic Committee, International Disability Alliance, UN Human Rights, UNESCO, UNAOC amongst others
• For the first time ever, IPC, Special Olympics, Invictus Games and International Committee of Sports for the Deaf collaborate
• Airing of campaign film, symbol unveil and iconic purple landmark light-up highlight today’s launch
Multiple leading international organisations have united to launch WeThe15, which aspires to be the biggest ever human rights movement to represent the world’s 1.2 billion persons with disabilities.
Launched ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, WeThe15 aims to end discrimination towards persons with disabilities and act as a global movement publicly campaigning for disability visibility, accessibility, and inclusion.
Spearheaded by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and International Disability Alliance (IDA), WeThe15 brings together the biggest coalition ever of international organisations from the worlds of sport, human rights, policy, business, arts, and entertainment. Together they will work with governments, businesses, and the public over the next decade to initiate change for the world’s largest marginalised group who make up 15% of the global population.
Harnessing sport’s unique ability to engage massive global audiences and create positive change, the IPC, Special Olympics, Invictus Games Foundation and the International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (Deaflympics) have teamed up for the first time in history. The four organisations will use the profile of their international sport events and athlete communities to further raise awareness and understanding of the issues facing persons with disabilities around the globe.
Joining the sport organisations in this decade of action are International Disability Alliance, UN Human Rights, UNESCO, the UN SDG Action Campaign, the European Commission, The Valuable 500, Global Citizen, Global Disability Innovation Hub, the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), International Disability and Development Consortium, C-Talent, Global Goals Advisory, ATscale – the Global Partnership for Assistive Technology, Zero Project, and the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organisations (GAATO).
Aligned with the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, WeThe15 aims to change attitudes and create more opportunities by:
• Putting persons with disabilities at the heart of the diversity and inclusion agenda
• Implementing a range of activities targeting governments, businesses, and the public to drive social inclusion for persons with disabilities
• Breaking down societal and systemic barriers that are preventing persons with disabilities from fulfilling their potential and being active members of society
• Ensuring greater awareness, visibility, and representation of persons with disabilities
• Promoting the role of assistive technology as a vehicle to driving social inclusion
For more information go to https://www.wethe15.org
The International Paralympic Committee's vision is to make for an inclusive world through Para sport. Our mission is to lead the Paralympic Movement, oversee the delivery of the Paralympic Games and support members to enable Para athletes to achieve sporting excellence.
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#Paralympics #ChangeStartsWithSport #WeThe15
LICENSE Paralympic footage via IMG REPLAY ▶ https://bit.ly/34Vls03
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...............................................................................................................................Concursos premiando TA e ações a favor da PcD, Olimpíadas de Inovações e Ações a favor da Pessoa com Deficiência, inovação, TA, Tecnologia Assistiva, ODS, ONU, promoção de soluções a favor da pessoa com deficiência
TEDx Talks
31,9 mi de inscritos
The majority of communication is non-verbal. And yet, for deaf children, we typically only prioritize providing an implant or hearing aid. Kyle DeCarlo argues that we're asking the wrong question: the question is not how can we give a deaf baby access to sound, but how can we give them access to language. Kyle DeCarlo is a TED Global Fellow and is a founder of the Deaf Health Initiative, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization bringing together organizations, policy makers, and world renowned researchers to address social and health issues which negatively impact the Deaf community.
Through advocacy, policy, and
the creation of new technologies, DHI works to forge coalitions and campaigns that improve the public health and wellbeing of the Deaf community.
This past year, Kyle was named a TED Global Fellow as part of the TED organization’s “Builders. Truth-Tellers. Catalysts.” cohort. Kyle is a graduate of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Dept. Health Policy & Management, where he earned his graduate degree in public policy. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but inde
Será que o Brasil acorda para a existência das pessoas surdas?
Nosso atual Presidente encantou e ainda empolga ao usar
intérpretes LIBRAS em suas apresentações públicas. Sua esposa, além de bonita,
deve ter estimulado Jair Messias Bolsonaro a pensar nas pessoas com deficiência
auditiva ou surdas.
Ontem, dia 25 de abril de 202 (G1)1, aconteceu a
premiação do Oscar 2021. Maravilhosamente pudemos ver filmes selecionados de
boa qualidade social e na premiação o destaque para a surdez em histórias
Estamos muito distantes, no Brasil, da plena inclusão da
pessoa surda. Nas escolas a legislação complicadora para a presença de
intérpretes formalizou uma profissão que precisará de décadas para ser aplicada
integralmente. É o Brasil Maravilha que não existe.
Pior ainda na vida comum onde as pessoas idosas, por exemplo,
muitas dependendo de aparelhos auditivos ou totalmente surdas acabam se
isolando. É terrível perceber a incompreensão do que seja não ouvir direito,
algo que pode agregar deficiência intelectual ou próteses mal escolhidas para
quem pode comprá-las.
Em família temos experiências tristes e até desastrosas com
nossos mais próximos. Deles, principalmente do caçula, relatos do que significa
viver e transitar por países mais desenvolvidos na inclusão.
Para nós que gostamos de viajar cresce a insegurança no
Brasil, será que estaremos seguros? Seremos respeitados?
Não há necessidade de viajar, contudo. Basta viver a cidade. Acessibilidade
e segurança real para a pessoa idosa, debilitada, com deficiência(s), crianças
e até o cidadão comum é desmentido pelos acidentes diários.
João Carlos Cascaes
Curitiba, 26 de abril de 2021
G1. (s.d.). Oscar 2021: veja vencedores. Fonte: